Thursday, January 29, 2015

Your Favorite Marvel Heroes As Super-Chunkies

Batman not Marvel but still chunky!
Artist Alex Solis has created an impressive collection of "Famous Chunkies"including characters from Captain Planet to Care Bears and basically everything that was cartoony awesome in between. All are hilarious and extremely well done. My favorite part is that most are eating burgers! My first choice for pig-out grub, of course.
Here is Solis' Marvel Universe Famous Chunkies:

Tubby Tony

Iron Man by Alex Solis
Iron Man by Alex Solis

Corpulent Cap

Captain America by Alex Solis
Captain America by Alex Solis

Hefty Hulk

Hulk by Alex Solis
Hulk by Alex Solis

Ample Asgardian

Thor by Alex Solis
Thor by Alex Solis

Large Loki

Loki by Alex Solis
Loki by Alex Solis

Super-Sized Spidey

Spider-Man by Alex Solis
Spider-Man by Alex Solis

Adipose Ant-Man

Ant-Man by Alex Solis
Ant-Man by Alex Solis

Weighty Wolverine

Wolverine by Alex Solis
Wolverine by Alex Solis

Mondo Magneto

Magneto by Alex Solis
Magneto by Alex Solis

Chubby Cyclops

Cyclops by Alex Solis
Cyclops by Alex Solis

Stout Storm

Storm by Alex Solis
Storm by Alex Solis

Colossal Colossus

Colossus by Alex Solis
Colossus by Alex Solis
These incredible illustrations make my heart fat with admiration! A big, beefy, bulbous BRAVO to Alex Solis (and alliteration)!

About the Author


Programer & Editor

Hey, I'm Naman Kumar.I'm a writer with a background in technology, blogging and programming.

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