When Iron-Man appears in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie will he be wearing Black? It would certainly seem appropriate as he is basically the villain of the story-arc. Although from his point of view he (Tony Stark) believes what he is doing is the right thing- Sort of like unleashing Ultron upon the World seemed to be the right thing to do at the time in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Sure, up until now he's mostly worn variations of Red & Gold with an occasional Red & Silver outfit or just plain Silver (in the case of Mark II- which is currently War-Machine,) but he has yet to wear the enigmatic Black & Gold armor introduced in the comics a few years back.
My point is this. We will only see Iron-Man for ONE MORE movie after Civil War and that will be Avengers: Infinity War part II- So our window of opportunity to see the Black & Gold armor is narrowing.
Sure, They may convince Robert Downey Jr to do a 4th Iron-Man solo film, which may or may not have the Real Mandarin or perhaps even Fin Fang Foom but how high are the odds of that happening?
Robert Downey Jr is closing on 50. in 2019, when Avengers: Infinity War part II comes out he will be 54? So what I'm saying... If I'm saying anything (obscure reference) is that He won't be playing Iron-Man forever. So Is it too much to ask for the Black & Gold armor in Captain America: Civil War?
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