"Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" is scheduled for its theatrical debut on March 25, 2016. The movie trailer for the upcoming film has been reported to be slated for release on the premiere of "Mad Max: Fury Road". Jason Momoa reveals details on his Aquaman character along with his thoughts on Batman, Superman and upcoming "Justice League" movie.
Fans have been patiently waiting for the trailer of "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" as much as they have been waiting for its premiere.
It was reported before that the trailer will be released on the Super Bowl XLIX and on the premiere of "Jupiter Ascending".
However up until now, fans are still disappointed that Warner Bros has not released it yet and they will yet to confirm if the "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" leaked trailer last year is true or not. Latest news reveals that the trailer for the upcoming Batman vs Superman film will be revealed on the premiere of "Mad Max: Fury Road" on May 15. Fury Road is another Warner Bros. Film and it is the latest installment in the post-apocalyptic Mad Max Franchise.
In related news, Aquaman's new look in the "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" reveals a fierce looking King of Atlantis. Jason Momoa will play the role of the King and he revealed several insights on what will be his part in the clash between Batman and Superman.
The actor revealed that he is as hyped as fans are in the clash between Batman and Superman saying that "It's the first time in history to have them both on the screen together, and I'm just excited to see those two up there..."
Jason Momoa also revealed that Justice League will be formed and there will be an upcoming film, however he said that "'Justice League' is still quite a ways away. But I'm looking forward to it.
Henry's a sweetheart, Ben is a badass, so I'm really looking forward to when we all shoot 'Justice League.'"
Furthermore, the former Game of Thrones star also said that "There's definitely a plan in this whole universe that [Zack Snyder] is designing," adding that "and it's amazing to be a part of it. I think everything that you see that is building, there's a purpose behind the whole plan... What's great about this is Zack, man. We don't want to just reinvent it, but he's a got a whole idea of what Aquaman should be and I'm really honored to be playing it. I'm excited for the world to see it."
"Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" is set for release on March 25, 2016. Fans can expect its first trailer on the premiere of "Mad Max: Fury Road" this May 15, 2015.
Courtesy of vcpost.com
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